Ichimoku Cloud

Created by Goichi Hosoda (細田悟一, Hosoda Goichi), Ichimoku Cloud, also known as Ichimoku Kinkō Hyō, is a collection of indicators that depict support and resistance, momentum, and trend direction. [Discuss] 💬

chart for Ichimoku Cloud

// C# usage syntax
IEnumerable<IchimokuResult> results =
  quotes.GetIchimoku(tenkanPeriods, kijunPeriods, senkouBPeriods);

// usage with custom offset
IEnumerable<IchimokuResult> results =
  quotes.GetIchimoku(tenkanPeriods, kijunPeriods, senkouBPeriods, offsetPeriods);

// usage with different custom offsets
IEnumerable<IchimokuResult> results =
  quotes.GetIchimoku(tenkanPeriods, kijunPeriods, senkouBPeriods, senkouOffset, chikouOffset);


tenkanPeriods int - Number of periods (T) in the Tenkan-sen midpoint evaluation. Must be greater than 0. Default is 9.

kijunPeriods int - Number of periods (K) in the shorter Kijun-sen midpoint evaluation. Must be greater than 0. Default is 26.

senkouBPeriods int - Number of periods (S) in the longer Senkou leading span B midpoint evaluation. Must be greater than K. Default is 52.

offsetPeriods int - Optional. Number of periods to offset both Senkou and Chikou spans. Must be non-negative. Default is kijunPeriods.

senkouOffset int - Optional. Number of periods to offset the Senkou span. Must be non-negative. Default is kijunPeriods.

chikouOffset int - Optional. Number of periods to offset the Chikou span. Must be non-negative. Default is kijunPeriods.

See overloads usage above to determine which parameters are relevant for each. If you are customizing offsets, all parameter arguments must be specified.

Historical quotes requirements

You must have at least the greater of T,K, S, and offset periods for quotes to cover the warmup periods; though, given the leading and lagging nature, we recommend notably more.

quotes is a collection of generic TQuote historical price quotes. It should have a consistent frequency (day, hour, minute, etc). See the Guide for more information.




Date DateTime - Date from evaluated TQuote

TenkanSen decimal - Conversion / signal line

KijunSen decimal - Base line

SenkouSpanA decimal - Leading span A

SenkouSpanB decimal - Leading span B

ChikouSpan decimal - Lagging span


See Utilities and helpers for more information.


This indicator is not chain-enabled and must be generated from quotes. It cannot be used for further processing by other chain-enabled indicators.